Quote Originally Posted by Cogwheel View Post
Honestly, the whole thing is so utterly absurd that in hindsight, I'm kind of glad it happened.

By the by, what's the Shaco/Rammus matchup like? I thought it was in Shaco's favour, at a guess, but I trundled into their jungle to steal a second blue and kind of slaughtered him. I also had one level on him and ulted (though I can count the fights where I don't ult as Rammus on about half a hand), which may have been a factor. Regardless, I no longer know what to think.
It's in Shaco's favour because Rammus is extremely easy to disrupt at his first clear and Shaco is extremely good at disrupting and do it very safely because of Deceive.

If you were level 6+ and were ahead, it's anyone's game, really. He probably used his early advantage poorly.