Oh, I also managed to fix some issues with my parents. I think I already mentioned that dad has suspicions about me seeing a therapist because of the one incident in August where he decided to follow me. So mum rummaged through my bank notes and found out I'd been taking trains somewhere so they decided to confront me with a lot of noise. :s

I told them I was seeing my psych (not therapist) for social anxiety /light agoraphobia which is something we talk about and which I've been diagnosed with (though it's mostly dysphoria fueled and some other stuff). And they were satisfied with that. I didn't really lie cause that is part of the truth and I'm able to use their insurance now for those sessions which is handy cause they're expensive. I feel like an Aes Sedai now. I feel sucky for being deceptive but I want to come out on my own terms and not have it forced on me; especially not by them disrespecting my privacy again. And I don't think I can deal with a (potentially) bad reaction now.