Hopefully now my confusion makes more sense! I'll just pretend Kieran dealt with them earlier or something.

'Aye. Just wanted tae make sure ye knew what ye were lettin' yourselves in fer. I'm glad tae have healers aboard. Our Chaplin can perform miracles, true enough, but he is but one, and I've over forty men and women under me command'.

Kieran looks severe.

'And I intend tae see that they all make it home tae their families. Including ye. However, I can offer nae guarantees. Welcome aboard'.

Now ye're part o' me crew.

After he gets the healers names and the officers meeting, Kieran returns to the main deck.

Alright, Rok, Erin, get up a target balloon! Heave to! Put a reef in those sails! Prepare fer a gun drill!