Part 2 of our survey of companions:


Leela: I guess, since she went from living as a member of a primitive tribe to living on Galifrey, I'll call it better off.

K-9: Well, he's a machine, but he seems happy enough whereever he is. No effect, I guess.

Romana: She chose to remain behind in E-Space, but I don't see how that's better off than being on Galifrey, but I can't really say that she was worse off, either. No effect.

Adric: Do I even have to say it? Worse off.

Nyssa: Hmm. Technically, she didn't become a companion until the events of "Logopolis", when she was being held hostage by The Master. However, she first appeared in the previous story, "The Keeper of Traken". Obviously, running the hospital on Terminus, for all its problems, is a better situation than being held hostage, but it's not a clear improvement over her situation at the earlier time we first meet her. I guess I'll go with better off.

Tegan: I suppose no effect.

Vislor: Started out as an alien exile hiding on Earth and posing as a human; ended up being able to return to his home planet. Though his being able to return really isn't any of The Doctor's doing, that's still better off.

Kamelion: He was under the control of The Master to start with, and though The Doctor freed him, he later fell under The Master's control again and then was destroyed by The Doctor at his own request after again being freed, but badly damaged. Kamelion was pretty much alway badly off, but being mercy killed by The Doctor makes him definately worse off.

Peri: Well, shoot. Not sure how to handle this one. They killed her off, then retconned it so that she wasn't dead. Given how poorly she was often treated by the Sixth Doctor, I'll go with worse off, even with accepting the retcon.

Mel: Since we are never shown or told about the circumstances under which she began travelling with The Doctor, I don't see any choice but to go with no effect.

Ace: Here we have the opposite of the problem that we have with Mel--we don't know what happened to Ace after "Survival". Even if we assume that the mention of a woman named Dorothy who runs an organization call "A Charitable Earth" by Sarah Jane refers to Ace, we still don't know her circumstances upon leaving the Tardis, so again we go with a default no effect.

That finishes up the classic series companions. The score for this segment:

Worse off: 3
No effect: 5
Better off: 3

Cumulative score so far:

Worse off: 6
No effect: 15
Better off: 7

Coming: NuWho companions!