Crocell's defenses were woefully overwhelmed. The snugglyness, the passion, and the sheer admiration. Crocell's reaction was akin to a nuclear reactor meltdown. His face looked like it would catch fire. His eyes were locked with Kin's own sparkling orbs except for the quick flickering glances to her lips which had to be only centimeters from his own. It was a good thing he was near the Blazblue machine because he needed something for his hands to grab onto as his legs go weak. Why did this girl have to be so affectionate? Eventually she was going to start calling him a perve or something.

"H-H-Hey K-K-Kin! I see t-t-that you are feeling better. I-I hope you are ok-kay?" Deciding to try not to offend her Crocell shakily takes one hand off of the arcade maching to wrap around Kin in a hug.