Cork listened with rapt attention, eyes shining wide. "Fascinating! I wish I could have been there, well, not badly enough to actually be there and be captured, that sounded dreadful. But to see the invasion first-hoof!" The young businesspony sighed wistfully. "Events like that don't come along once every decade, you know. There is little I heard that you failed to mention, though rumors are flying of how the shield came to fall in the first place. I heard from some who claim they made it to the wedding that there was some foul play on the changelings' part. Something about an agent incognito." Cork wrinkled his muzzle at such distasteful tactics. If they wanted a proper invasion, then they should've just gone and invaded. "Personally, I think they just wore down the shield, then the brave Captain got his hooves on a bit more magic, and that was the end of that. He doesn't seem the sort to give up just because his first go at it fizzled."