I like things like Aegis and FH on ganky AP junglers like Ali. FH is needed for the CDR and armor. Aegis makes that difference during ganks. Shurelyas and ROmen are natural upgrades from GP10 items. If AP mid doesn't pick one up, I'd get an Abyssal too.

I think S2 made too many "niche" junglers viable, which could be the reason why Riot is buffing it, not to mention the S2 Mastery changes that made jungling even easier (4 reduced dmg from creeps, up to 7 more AD vs creeps and 6 reflected damage). I've seen Janna jungle, Karma jungle, heck even Vayne jungle. I started learning the jungle as Fiddle in S1 and that was a pain. You have to get the timing exactly right or you would die to Big Blue. Blue is such a pussycat now.

I don't know if the jungle change will eliminate that but I do very much hope to see the return of the roaming jungler. Despite getting assists, the roamer will fall behind in farm and levels compared to a farm all day jungler like Mundo or Shy.