Gonzou gaffs at the Uchiha. "Really? Did he tell you this while he was with me at the ice rink? Or while he was following me home after you cheated me out of my prize? This is a pitifully transparent attempt to turn me against Kyohei. Especially since he's made me so much money over the years." The gorilla of a man turns to the younger man. Kyohei just shrugs.

"It is as you said, sir. I've dutifully made you money for years. Several million ryo by now, but that's chump-change. Why would I betray you now, and what would I have to gain?"

Gonzou nods, then turns back to Momo. When she turns over the drawing he looks it over, then shakes his head. "This isn't Kyohei's handwriting." He hands the note over to the younger man, and Kyohei looks it over. He nods in confirmation, then produces a letter from a coat pocket. He gives the letter and the note back to Gonzou, who re-reads them both side by side.

"Haha. This isn't anything alike."

Kyohei himself offers up an explanation for the final point, and the nail in the coffin of Momo's plan. "Yes, I did pressure Matsuta to ruin his life. Because that's a classic two-man con. My boss provides the initial pressure, I appear to relieve it, more pressure comes down, then I call on Matsuta's savior... For a price. Then he's indebted to us for the rest of his life. Why would I ruin a perfectly good con?"

Gonzou snorts. "Kyohei never left my side at the ice rink. He's been with me since your boss threatened my life. Ya, I know you idiots are working for DeGause. You go crawling back to him and tell him I'll kill him on my own time."

Gonzou's clearly not bought Momo's words. She'll need some kind of irrefutable proof to paint Kyohei as a traitor, and some way to reconcile Gonzou's preceptions with the truth.