Thorus' smashing of the Scorpion drew a great cheer from the crowd, and Alec's speech put the cap on the affair. He didn't seem to have convinced everyone, but a good number of people were migrating towards their wagon, and they hardly had enough on offer to sell to the whole town anyways.

Their first customer was the half-elf who had been talking to Glaffin. Thanking the dwarf for the show, he paid for one of their shortswords with a handful of silver. Alec must have convinced him that the sword was worth buying, because he left looking considerably happier than he had seemed about the silk. The crowd around ther wagon was mostly men, actually, and small surprise give Alec's show of weaponry. A few of the women filtered over, but not as many as were at the other wagons, buying food or toys for their children.

Unfortunately, it appeared that leaving those skills unused may not have been the best plan. The wand was magi,c Indrys knew it was magic, but for all his training he wasn't quite able to figure out what it did. It was something simple, he was sure, but there was no way of telling what, exactly, without spending a little more time working on improving his spellcraft.