[Alyca (001) and Miriah's (002) Torture Chamber Video Feed Technological Literacy...and Cabin]

"Yeah. We adapt to strange, new situations at breakneck speeds."

Alyca slides a bag of popcorn into the microwave, sets the self-destruct microwave timer to stun to kill to the appropriate setting and attempts to seat herself beside Justin and turn the tele on!

On to a channel where...

Someone is being beaten and interrogated. By a girl who looks like the spitting image of Alyca.

With a swift press of a button, the channel changes to Channel 13. The Mag channel. All Mag all the time. And then to the movie listing.

"Interactive videos. We were playing with the system's bonus features last night."

Please buy the lie. Please buy the lie. Please buy the lie. Please buy the lie.