So yeah, me and a few friends pop in for a casual game of League this afternoon. We see that an opposing player on the team has an Honorable Opponent ribbon and thought, cool. The guy picks Ezreal. All right, fine so far, I've beaten plenty of Ez's in lane before, and I'm still AD carry this game.

We go to the loading screen, and I see my opponent's name: Guardsman Bob.

At this point I freak out, because I'm a lowly 1400 elo player about to go against the guy I practically idolize. And to make a long story short, I get totally destroyed in lane, as expected. Actually, our entire team does. As it turns out, they explained to us later that this wasn't just a random Play with Bob team. This was Guardsman Bob's actual premade.

The nice thing was that all of our opponents were super-friendly, and Bob gave me many "<3" as is his style. It was truly an honor (although I have no clue how matchmaking screwed up that badly to match us with them).