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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: [NEXUS] MagCave VI: What Is a Mag? A Miserable Little Pile of Circuits!

    Kale's laboratory

    Kale turns to face Magtok and smiles.

    I think you'll be interested with my finding. I analyzed the initial samples and found that the toys are packed with chaos energy in large quantities. Dispelling it has... unpredictable effects.

    She motions to a small glass dome on one of her desks. Inside the dome is a single toy soldier. She hits a button and a dispell is cast on the toy. It turns back to rain water. The glass dome turns into moss and slumps as it loses its shape.

    It only happens when they are dispelled. I had some ground up and pressed into pellets and had a prototype weapon constructed.

    She rolls over to her desk and hefts what looks a lot like a modified nerf gun. She wheels over to Magtok and holds it out to him.

    The gun dispells the pellet and directs the chaos down the barrel in the form of compressed energy blast. It holds its shape up to ten meters before collapsing. Anything it hits will be subject random alteration. Please, try it for yourself.

    A clay bust bearing a strong resemblance to a magclone rises from the desk, next to the mossy remains of the glass dome.
    Last edited by Jacklu; 2012-10-21 at 04:22 PM.
    Still not really here. Still just an illusion.