The trio exchange looks upon hearing you have a job. Renny's brows furrow as he nods at his companions.
"It is nothing complicated" says Joan, obviously the group's diplomat. "My friends and I are a group of free-lance adventurers. We've recently completed a retrieval for this genassi lady, but it was more difficult than expected. To make a long story short, we're having trouble getting paid, and with her in Trieme it's hard to go into town for supplies without risking getting robbed by her thugs; so we're going to Sausroi to get goods, but if you would get us rations at Trieme we can be with the rest of our company and ready up for when she sends sell-swords at us. If you were to join us against her thugs we'd be grateful; you guys could even join the Red Wolves. A wizard and a druid would be great additions"