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Thread: [4E] RB DND Campaign, Thread Six

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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: [4E] RB DND Campaign, Thread Six

    After an hour or two, Elden enters the room. He isn't looking all too awake.

    Good morning, everyone. I see you got my message, Adalhard.

    He makes a faint smile, and goes to sit down by the table. He serves himself a large cup of tea and pours a large spoonfull of honey (or sugar, if there is no honey) into it. Supporting his head in his left hand, he absentmindedly mixes the honey (or sugar) into the brew with his right index finger. Soon, the tea starts to boil in the cup, upon which he'll pull back his finger, rub it off on a napkin, take the cup and down it all in one go.

    He then pours up another cup and put another spoonfull of honey (or sugar) in it, this time letting the spoon remain in the cup, whereafter he leans back studies Adalhard, looking slightly more awake as the heat jumpstarts his system.

    So, what's the occation?
    Last edited by Teddy; 2012-10-25 at 09:55 AM.
    Clouddreamer Teddy by me, high above the world, far beyond its matters...

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