Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
"Ghoul." Fleetwing corrected her. "And while she may be alright, she seems pretty attached to that lil' settlement. As for the other one, I don't want something following me around that might suddenly start going all 'Hail the Great and Powerful Goddess!' on me. That one's a time bomb waiting to go off, and I won't have it explode in my face, no sir."
Violetta stared for a moment, then nearly impaled her hoof on her own horn.

"Really? You're still assuming Gleam is an evil monster and not just... something like what I am? You don't believe she honestly could have lost whatever makes her evil and found herself out here? That's awfully hasty of you.

"You do have a point about the ghoul, though. I doubt she'd abandon her home over something like this."

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate
She did have a point about the rewards, though. He doubted she'd be interested in any of Buck's guns, or really anything he could offer. Time to change tack; "And it's not so much me getting a fancy gun, it's us getting a lot more security. Folks don't mess with you when you have a big gun. I guarantee it, we walk out with that shotgun, we'll have a lot less trouble coming our way when we hit the road. Ain't that worth helping a slightly disagreeable fella?"
"And you think a gun is worth a bunch of lies to Fizz to make her more receptive to Bucky's advances? You really want that gun, don't you."