Well, I've tried out the Volus Engineer. The little guy is weird for me, but I think I do enjoy him.

Shield Boost is awesome, full stop. Recon Mine is very handy, though honestly I wasn't noticing the slow-down effect it was supposed to have. The fact that its cooldown kicks in when deployed rather than when detonated is actually kind of nice - discourages re-deploying it unless you've got some breathing room, but allows detonating it whenever it seems like a good idea without a cooldown. Makes it a good panic button if a bunch of weaker enemies are swarming you, or a good finisher for a weakened high-tier enemy that you need dead right away.

Proximity Mine I'm having some trouble with. I went damage/damage taken/damage, and it does do some nice damage, but the part where I hit things with it is proving annoying. It doesn't always seem to detonate on impact when I shoot it directly at things, and shooting it at their feet has been inconsistent as well. Sometimes I even get enemies not setting it off despite being practically on top of it. So, a question: does the radius boost from rank 4 increase just the explosion radius, or also the radius within which an enemy will trigger it? If the latter, it may be worth it for me to switch to that.

One problem I'm having with him is finding a gun to use, though. Even with the class talent rank 6 weapon weight decrease, his low carry capacity is a problem there, and since he doesn't have any particularly great general-use damaging power I do need to rely on a gun a bit more than I usually do. I was initially using the Geth Pulse Rifle, but honestly, even the damage boosts from the mines don't make its damage output worthwhile. So I did some experimenting with weapons I wouldn't normally use, including a couple I had used in single player and not liked. I probably did best with the Vindicator, but I still don't like it, with its relatively low ammo, awful accuracy at a distance, and substantial recoil using the zoom. I probably most liked the Mattock, but I only have it at rank 5, which is currently getting me 142% cooldown, for a good extra second or more on my cooldowns. So that'll need more ranks before I'll want to use it on him regularly. I don't know what to do for a weapon for him in the meantime, honestly.

And in some great news, I finally got my Geth Engineer! Actually, I got him twice in as many packs, much to my surprise, and partial annoyance, but hell, I'm just happy to finally have him.

I won't need as much advice on him as with the Volus, but I would like some nonetheless. I'll likely go my standard caster 6/6/6/5/3 with him, though I admit am a tad leery of Hunter Mode halving my shields when that's the Geth's main defense. That almost makes me want to put more in Fitness, but I'm not sure what I'd skimp on for it.

For Hunter Mode the first two choices are easy - power recharge and damage over weapon boosts any day - but I don't know about the last one, which is either a general damage boost or a speed and vision radius boost. And for the Geth Turret I'm most indecisive. It's clearly a choice between more firepower and better healing at each level, and I really don't know which I'd want to focus on. I'm pretty sure I'll take the flamethrower at rank 6, since I know from my Quarian Engineer how well that works, but the other two... I really don't know.
