Quote Originally Posted by ThirdEmperor View Post
Halloween Night

Another late arrival, this one garbed in a style both more extravagant and more ephemeral than most of the other party-goer's have selected. Ragged, tattered robes, bleached by age to an insubstantial gray hang from head to foot, flowing weightlessly through the air, with no shoes or feet to be seen. From the bloodstained cuffs emerge skeletal hands held together by the barest scraps of flesh, lean and stringy muscles binding the joints, the face entirely obscured by the shadowy hood. A certain resemblance to a Dementor is all but unmistakable to anyone familiar with the Harry Potter universe, but in truth, it is merely an illusionary costume of a common wraiths, dreamed up by one in dire need of imagination.

Underneath the guise of his illusion, the wraith glances 'round at the 'festive' decorations with ill ease, once again finding his surroundings alien, even more bizarre than the rest of this world he'd seen. It was the juxtaposition that made the least sense. Vats of blood and thick veils of cobweb, then people dressed in bright, garish costumes. Clearly the similarity in name to the holiday of his own world extended no further.

The card tables are most familiar to him, and so the wraith drifts towards them, both figuratively and literally. Taking a seat he sets down three gold coins on the table, or whatever the minimum bet if specified, gesturing wordlessly for the attendant to deal him a hand.
Card Tables

The card shark bares teeth as the "wraith" sits at his table, tossing and flipping a card at him before pushing his coins back to him. The shark opens its mouth, coughs and gags a bit, and then speaks in a surprisingly feminine voice, "We don't accept coins here. You can barter in candy or, if you're out of candy we'll take credit on the last years of your life, payable only if you can't deliver on the candy you owe before your earthly years are up. And don't even bother putting candy corn on the table. Our minimum bet is so much higher than that, you'd have to have a garbage bag worth of that garbage just for one game. So are you in?"

Quote Originally Posted by happyturtle View Post
"I..." Elaine looks around the room, trying to spot Vinny. "I should wait for my friend. He wouldn't want me to go alone."
Fortune Teller

"Some journies are best made alone." With those ominous words, the fortune teller leaves her be.

Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
[Simple Pleasures]

"I'm Sophie. I think we met at GLoG. You're Julie's friend, aren't you? It seems we were drawn into some sort of Halloween scenario. And made much younger." She touches her teeth. "I've always wondered what it's like to have braces."
Quote Originally Posted by Lost_Deep View Post
Simple Pleasures

Kate touches her glasses... this was not a fun part of her life.

Easy. Don't panic.

"Um..." She turns around and looks at Sophie. "I'm Kate... and while you do look familiar, I can't place a name to the face right now. Remind me?"
Simple Pleasures

Mintbalm is too excited to notice Kate's distress, "Come oooooooooooooooon, there's candy to collect! Look at it this way, the sooner we do this, the sooner we get back to the party and back to normal, right? Unless you want to try to brute your way out of this, and I don't think that'll work. Whatever happened, I can't feel my pixie magic here, so I can't try to faerie circle us away from here." She doesn't seem too distressed about that. In fact, she doesn't seem to be thinking anything but "YAY CANDY!"

Strange Delights

The men seem rather casual and aloof, but approachable, while the women all fawn over her, giggling at her costume and complimenting her on her most pleasing features. A bell rings from the back door, and one of the men nearest it gets up and opens the door, letting a food cart bearing tiny covered silver bowls come through. The harem fellows and lasses all pull the pillows aside, making a path for it to the center of the room. One of the ones attending Krystal gets up and grabs two bowls and two spoons, offering one to her.