[Fortress Mountain]

Bleh! I'm happy that I don't have anyone talking to me every single minute of every single day! I'd go crazy! And I wouldn't remember half of what was said. Then again, I can't even remember what I had for breakfast this morning. >.< But maybe that's due to breakfast being breakfast and nothing that carries much weight.

Anyway, Wrath takes a step back as her jaw is viciously kicked. It helps that her jaw doesn't have a single bone in it apart from teeth. Doesn't stop the practiced kick from hurting something awful, though! As though it were a rubber band, Clarissa's jaw elastically bends as Icarus strikes it.

A (mentally) sore Clarissa attempts to retaliate with a devastating kick to a region that should really, really hurt Icarus if Icarus is able to procreate (or, if Clarissa lands this attack, possibly was able to procreate ).

She's a honorless villain! It is perfectly acceptable for her to fight dirty!