The Pride of Hiigara

With a raised eyebrow, the clone listens to Erik's words. Nodding, he quickly closes his eyes and pulses a message to the original: "Erik's safe here on the Pride. He says they aren't chaos space marines and to keep the main body out of the battle. We also got a new Persona signal from some ruins in Ireland, so I'll send him to investigate."

"How very timely of you to drop in, though," he chuckles, again opening his eyes. "We just got a new Persona signal from Newgrange, Ireland. It's a set of ruins, and an archaeological site, although with the many changes, I wouldn't be too surprised if it ended up as a dungeon of sorts. Anyway, I would assume that this new Persona hasn't been using their powers until now, which would explain why we couldn't detect them before."

He turns back to the controls, tapping a few buttons to adjust the mining operations before turning back to Erik. "I'd like you to scry on them, then see if you can get them back here."

Skies of Battle

A shocked expression appears on Morcleon's face as he sees his ally's disappearance, and then calms slightly as the message from his clone comes in. He closes his eyes, and begins processing a battle plan.

"They seem to have extremely high powered conventional weaponry, which is likely useless against Susanoo and Kagutsuchi. However, they do have what appear to be similar to Mana's time displacement bullets, and will likely be able to affect my clones even through Kagutsuchi. Thus, we need to have any such projectiles eliminated before they can strike."

"Thrawn, have some of the troops on defense, targeting the time displacement bullets with the Kakuton: Magatama before they can strike us or Jacob. Have the rest start long range Amaterasu strafing of their troops, especially the commanders; I don't care how many we beat, we just need to make not worth the losses to stay here. I'll stay up here to give you a bird's eye view of the battlefield."

"Hm. I can do that. Just give me a few seconds to think of a plan... Got it. I'm sending orders now."

"Good. Wukong, Saturday. I need you two to help me try to build a powerful spell to disable them. The quicker they go away, the less the danger to all of us."

"Ahaha! This shall be simple."

"Indeed it will be. Let us begin."

Snapping his eyes open, Morcleon grins. He raises his hand again, and slashes it down, flying upwards as he does so. His clone army moves as one, perfectly carrying out Thrawn's battle plan. Far higher in the sky, the original takes the Sixth Key in one hand and the Ruyi Jingu Bang in the other. He reaches into himself and begins to draw out the power, supported by the potent magical chantings in both Chinese and the language of the Architect.

So yeah, explanation time:
Kakuton: Magatama is using Amaterasu as magatama-shaped projectiles. Combined with the eternal mangekyou sharingan, they should be able to predict the paths of the time displacement bullets and intercept them.

I'm having IC!Thrawn do the battle planning, as I neither have, nor expect to have, the extremely detailed tactical information that it would take to do it IRL. You may pit Thrawn's tactical power against that of the redshirtsarmors as you see fit.

The spell I'm doing is a wide area slow/disable/compulsion against attacking blend. With one progeny of the Architect and one second only to Buddha, I think it has a pretty big chance of success, ne?