((OOC: I [i]won't[i] detect magic at the moment, as I feel it would be too meragamey for me to: he is a paladin and Audric can't fathom him being anything else. But I wonder... ))

This time, Audric doesn't correct the term of address in 'just Audric', but sticks to the formalities "Sir Yistin" he says by way of greeting. He is tense, and it can be perceived in his voice, as well . He gestures towards the brawler "This is Llaars, an ally and a friend"

"Sandry is under my custody, as I mentioned. But yes, she did move some...accusations towards you. Some very dire accusations, at that. " he takes a breath "She accused you of having abducted and killed a human child, three years ago. The child's name was Fiona, and she claimed she had no magic abilities at all" Audric is trying very hard to keep his tone neutral.