alright so it is like the old hours of the night so don't be looking for any cohesion
or whatever the fleck the right word that is being looked for
heh, you already lost what you were going to say.

right well, didn't really read all the long windy things and people being
is loud the right word
can written words even be loud
Man, you are just lost. So lost that i'm going to have to get lost to help you into bed.
well whatever it was loud even if it is not the right word

You were saying? Anyways what? Speak up crazy
maybe a claim of whatever sort will help you at this point
least it would not do anything that is not already happening right now

While he rambles guess I could actually comment.
Again, haven't read all the bits and bobs of this day, but I wouldn't really be shocked to find that wolves were a good number of the wagoners here, you being scried and all. In truth I was thinking some one would be slightly trying to help you, like the Nightfowl. Who also prompted Mage.

so what are you saying
At the moment it's "You're too loud in my ears for me to think." So how about to back off.
you think i'm going to just because you use contractions and punctuation
I also capitalize words you little know nothing.
oh you just had to go there
Yeah, gone came back and got you a souvenir, but I don't think you can handle it.
ok, that is it! both of you out and off to bed now, i need to try to make a coherent end to this mess of a post. now, i don't care to delete any of this or even read it over for fear they may work their way back in here. But anyways points of interest:
. . .
someone claim something, mostly the silent people, everyone has to give there take of the game so far and . . .
blast who am i kidding no one is reading this annoyance of a post, even more so this part, well maybe some but you know you all are crazy for actually reading all of this, cause frick, nothing sensible will be made of this post.

oh and for people that may or may not be wondering it is first come first serve for the colors, i just wanted to mock the guy a bit don't know i would become the voice of reason and end up being a large part of the post. so . . . sorry for that?