Plains of Battle

"...that could have gone better. It seems we won't be able to take them out the easy way. Withdraw all units."

The troops pause, and then zip up to the altitude of the main. Said person opens his eyes, and shouts a single Word of power. A ripple of new reality pulses into the center of the red armored soldiers, freezing their actions. Morcleon smiles grimly, watching as the Tyranids attack the immobile soldiers.

He gestures up at the sky, and each of his clones sends great gouts of fire into the sky, rapidly creating an area of low pressure, and gathering in storm clouds. Then, to augment the storm, Morcleon concentrates, and supercharges the clouds with divine electricity.

"Targets locked. Fire when ready."

"Hm. Let's see how they like a taste of..."

"...Kirin!" The shouts of his hundred or so remain troops are drowned out in the deafening roar of the lightning being drawn out. They coalesce into an amorphous mass of bright blue electricity, and fire down at the mass of soldiers...