*SAPO* *MEM* *Monkey (if possible)*
So I'm currently on the pyramid event world, and for some reason, mobs started spawning in the area around me. Even when I flagged the region to deny mob-spawning, they still spawned... it seems the entire world has turned it's spawning back on. Also, when I do /mv list I only get one page of worlds.... the pyramid_event world seems to of vanished from the list. Sapo or Mem, can you fix this please? I am worried that if I log off, disconnect, and leave the world, that it will vanish, it happened less than half an hour ago, so if a rollback saves it. That'd be great (if the world vanishes that is). Otherwise, can you simply turn off the mob spawning for the world. I'm trying to figure out how to do it using multi-verse and that's where I saw that when looking on the /mv list, that Pyramid_event isn't even on it.
