Alright! I am BACK! Lost Electricity at about 5-6a.m. Tuesday morning, and it's just now come back on about 20 minutes ago, so, just shy of 36 hours without. Quite thankful though, because while they initially had told us we'd have it back last night at 10p.m., this morning they were telling us it could potentially be up to 10 days before we regained it. I was sleeping in a half doze on the couch when my wife shouted "IT'S BACK ON", scaring the crap out of me, and my first response was "You're such a liar". That was due to me dreaming about giant spiders attacking me, and when she said that, I thought she was referring to one of them being back on me.

Anyways, the Potomac river is definitely up pretty high from what I could see yesterday(it was freezing cold in our place, so we went for a ride to warm up), I have no doubt it's going to crest pretty high, maybe even end up flooding the town nearest to me, Hancock.

I'll be reading the rest of the thread here soon, I hope others are doing ok and ended up being safe in the storm.