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Thread: Path of Evil (IC)

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    Morithias's Avatar

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    Default Re: Path of Evil (IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Eisen_Hammer View Post
    So we are not in an area where we will be able to find any shards got it.

    And no way to really figure out where else they would have been hidden. "Who are these Hojo Diviners."
    "They're masters of the Ying-yang ways. They summon divine beings and use paper charm to cast their magic. They sealed Byakko rather than kill him, cause it was theorized that he might've regenerated in the netherworlds if they killed him. Byakko was "killed" around 6 times before they sealed him. Not sure if Miki just kept making copies or whether it was some kind of technique. They need time to cast their spells, so they were often combined with the Kenshin footsoldiers."

    Edit: Also please keep in mind that Kentaro was the one who broke and hid the crown, NOT the forces of good. It is highly likely that there is one or more in Leazus however due to Kentaro probably wanting to keep a shard for research or his own use.
    Last edited by Morithias; 2012-10-31 at 04:52 PM.