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Thread: Path of Evil (IC)

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    Morithias's Avatar

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    Jan 2010

    Default Re: Path of Evil (IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tychris1 View Post
    Lucius shrugs "Meh. In any event, come on. I'll show you around." And with that Lucius leads the dragon down to Tangeshima to show him around their base of operations. Pointing to the volcano once in a while.
    "Ah I know of that volcano, it hasn't erupted in centuries. Building there would be dangerous, but it would be next to impossible to attack. Plus lava makes a good place to place red dragon eggs. I can see why you came to the kobolds, you'll need some good miners to work it."

    He walks into your headquarters. "No much for now, looks like you've got a basic income idea, but you'll need some start up funding to get a steady flow of income right? Well...I'm not doing anything with the gold we find...I don't see why other dragons sleep on piles of gold. A bed is so much more comfy."

    Edit: Please refer to the OOC, I have important information.
    Last edited by Morithias; 2012-11-01 at 02:24 AM.