Quote Originally Posted by Toska Moriarty View Post
Snarling in genuine anger and disgust, the little goblin hops out of the chair, turns and marches out of the casino, hood still drawn tight as it exits. Enough of this waiting around crap!

Weaving it's hands together, mumbling to itself in goblin, Narik cast's message to Karsht: "Where are you now? I am back, Where do we meet?"

The message, of course, would be sent in common.
Cocking his head to the side and listening to a whispering voice "Well then, I shall see you later Jebel, I need to go and fetch a small green thing... And possibly corrupt some politicians and children."
He gets up and leaves, thinking to himself as he goes Hmm... I wonder how I can make the deal better... And just where in the hell do I go to look for the friggin' goblin!? Damn spell doesn't let me get a response back... Wait... what spell was used on me anyway...?

Taking 10 on spellcraft I think that this would count as the "Identify a spell that’s already in place and in effect. You must be able to see or detect the effects of the spell." usage.
If so Ahh, right, he used a message spell to contact me. That means that he must be within about 200 feet of me right now... well then, lets go find him and then go get him a cauldron of his choice... and he walks off in search of the little pyro that could.