Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post
Let's assume that Redcloak's Plan goes off without a hitch. He works with Xykon to control one of the gates, he successfully backstabs Xykon, and the Dark One uses the Snarl to blackmail the gods without having the Snarl wipe out the world. So Redcloak wins. And he's still alive at the end of it.

Then what? What does Redcloak do then? His entire life from when he was just an angry grieving kid who picked up the red cloak has revolved around the Plan. Redcloak has let the Plan define him; he's nothing more than an agent through which the Plan happens. And then suddenly that's gone and he's left an empty husk who sacrificed everything for the sake of the Plan. If Redcloak wins and lives, he'll be living in the world of his dreams. But even as the High Priest of the Dark One, it'll be a world with nothing of importance for him. He won't have anyone or anything to live for, not anymore. How much would Redcloak even value his own life once the one thing that he let define and give meaning to his entire existence is gone?

And if Redcloak loses, or if the Plan fails but sociopolitical changes end up giving the world the same result, he has the same problem.
What does he do? I say a party with some cute goblin girls and drinks served in cup made from Xykon's skull. Like a Boss.


and in all honestly - Redcloak said it himself, he is the guy who make trains run on time, he would probably found himself managing the administration on the whole new Goblin Empire, conquering lands where humans still opress goblins and murdering PCs. Or start conquering...erm, liberating other dimensions, where goblins are still opressed.