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Thread: Final Fantasy d6 (Complete System)

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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Final Fantasy d6 (Complete System)

    Hi, I've been running a campaign and while I won't have any house rules just yet, if I were to run a new campaign I would have one major set of rule changes I want to share.

    Whenever a damage formula is shown Power can be used instead.

    Reach and Huge weapons use Resolve like Blades do now.

    Earth and Shadow element spells use Resolve, Wind and Thunder uses Dexterity, Water and Ice uses Mind, and while Fire uses Power only, it gets a single tier higher.

    The purpose of these rules are to allow for specialization to be rewarded yet while still allowing power to be the "generalist" stat. Now a fighter who uses Power can be a master of many weapons (Ranged and Concealed included,) while a Fighter who focuses Resolve is a physical melee specialist who rarely falters in combat, and a Fighter who favors Dexterity is an agile striker who is rarely touched.
    Last edited by scarecrowjld; 2012-11-05 at 02:16 PM.