[Manehatten - Outside Tenpony]

Down boggles at Swiss a bit.
It's probably technically hard to tell, but the somewhat rigid body posture and the rather direct facing implies the bafflement easily enough.

This seems silly! From everything she understands here, there should be very little reason Swiss would want to stay out here with Down.
Misses out on the DJ, misses out on feeding from her friends, misses out from being with her friends at all, stuck out here from supposed civilization.
"...no. Go with your companions."

Lucky to the rescue?
Although not in a manner that Down seems incredibly confident about.
"Only have the one spark battery..."
Technically speaking, ammo-wise, she's most disarmed as it is already. A point that seems to be making very little difference in the "just give up your weapons" department of her mind.

"I'm not sure why you care either, Mister Break, but if you would like to try. By all means."