Quote Originally Posted by sharp41 View Post
Once you transfer to a robot body, can you transfer back to your original, meat body? And, can you transfer to other bodies once you transfer to one, regardless of the first answer?

Depending on the answers to those (and I'm assuming yes to both), you get some rather interesting developments.
If one could jump back to their original bodies then i'd think the criminal underworld would start a whole chain of taking bodies that have been transferred away from (Normally the original "empty" body that is ripe for the taking) and then allowing for people to transfer into them under the radar. It's possibley the closest thing one could get to a "new identity" that the law couldn't track, and that'd raise quite the price.

Of course, you then have the issue of law enforcement flipping the table and having there agents swap into either different bodies to go undercover, or flat out taking members of the chain, putting them into another body, and then sliding in an agent to pry information loose. What ensues would probably be the biggest game of subterfuge, backstabbing, and just not knowing what the heck is going on that has ever occured on earth.

Of course, i'm just assuming, but I asked some cop friends on their opinion on it and they thought it was pretty accurate (Well, the one's who could actually understand it did atleast).