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Thread: LGBTAitP #28: Come Taste the Rainbow!

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitP #28: Come Taste the Rainbow!

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Define "based on body".
    Not quite sure how to define it. I mean, just on the face of it, when, just as an example, a woman explains to me that while she may on the outside look like a woman, everything inside is telling her that she (he) is a man. I mean, that just seems to me that gender isn't completely based on what out physical parts turned out to be, but also that there is a make-up of the brain, as well, telling that woman that while she sees a woman in the mirror, that is where her being a woman ends. All the rest of her biological make-up (i.e. her mind) is telling her she is a man. Like I said, I am still learning in this area and trying to figure it out, so if I don't make complete sense, I apologize.
    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Gender means type. Gender can be used to mean a different type of thing, without referring to sexual characteristics (male/female/etc.) whatsoever. That the two are so correlated is unfortunate, but gender =/= sex. You are a male of the male type. That law is the "correct" word for both of those is confusing.

    Think of it through comparison. Nudists. A nudist who is forced to wear clothes is uncomfortable. A non-nudist who has to go nude is uncomfortable. What happens if a child born to nudists, from a long line of nudists, wants to wear clothes but can't?

    It's uncomfortable, painful, somewhat Embarrassing, and everyone else considers it so much of a nonissue you get ridiculed for bringing it up. If you told your friends that your big existential crisis was you wanted to wear clothes but you couldn't, they would laugh.
    This actually makes a lot of sense to me. Thank you for going over it.
    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Point of order. Your original gender was female. So was mine. Testosterone caused mutations so that you ends up male, but technically everyone start life as a woman.
    I guess I should have said "birth gender." I know we all technically start female, but my point was not what we start as in the womb, but what we come into this world as when we start to breath air for the first time.
    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    It's not quite my mind not liking my body. It's my body not liking my body. I get the same sense of wrongness from being unfit. My body 'knows' what it should be. If its not there, it chafes. The mind is just along for the ride, like Angel from the Whedonverse discussion.

    Never thought that would be referenced again.
    So there is no mental aspect to it at all? What I mean by that is, is it not that your body doesn't like your body, but your mind sees what you body is but to it should be something else. And, really, I don't mean to try and tell you how you are feeling or anything so please do not take this as me preaching to you at all, I am just trying to understand

    (This next bit is me working on this out loud for feedback, just kinda a Hypothesis type thing) Your body is what your body doesn't necessarily feel any different to itself, does it? I mean, if your brain wasn't in your body, would it still feel like that? Example; I am a man, but I believe I should be a woman. My body is male, but my mind and heart & soul tell me I should be female. Now, if all the things "inside" were taken out (mind, heart and soul) would my body still feel awkward in itself? Or is the fact that I know I should be a woman something that is wired differently in my brain?

    I, obviously, cannot answer these questions as I am not experiencing these feelings, which is why I ask you lovely people. So please do not take offense to any of what I have said or think that I am trying to "disprove" how you feel. Just merely curious and want to learn about my fellow people in the world. Ignorance =/= Bliss in my mind, so thank you SiuiS, and anyone eles who answers, for helping me to understand your situations.
    Quote Originally Posted by MesiDoomstalker View Post
    *Jumps out of the closest*
    HEY! Ok, now that is over with. Hiya, new here, not to the forums. Or the outside of the closet for that matter. I feel like I should say something else but can't think of anything at the moment.
    Quote Originally Posted by MageOfCakes View Post
    Hi! I'm not new but I've been gone for a very long time, so it's almost like being new. We can be new together.
    Well, as I did druid, a proper Welcome and Welcome Back!
    HELLO YOU TWO!!!!!

    Last edited by Irish Musician; 2012-11-12 at 09:17 AM.
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