Quote Originally Posted by MesiDoomstalker View Post
*Jumps out of the closest*

HEY! Ok, now that is over with. Hiya, new here, not to the forums. Or the outside of the closet for that matter. I feel like I should say something else but can't think of anything at the moment.
Hi! You do not have to say anything, just being here is perfectly fine.

Quote Originally Posted by MageOfCakes View Post
Hi! I'm not new but I've been gone for a very long time, so it's almost like being new. We can be new together.
Hi to you too, hope everything is as fun as it was back then. ^_^

Quote Originally Posted by AllIHaveIsCrunk View Post
My friend was shocked, shocked, when he discovered I was gay. Not because I'm the picture of masculinity (which I am) but because I am quite the avid listener of hip hop which, as you know, is not the most tolerant of genres (lyrically speaking) and it got me thinking...

Should I be bothered that I'm not bothered by them? I can't articulate why it doesn't shake my love for the genre, I do know why but I just can't find the words for it. But I, myself, have been known to use a homophobic slur as an insult in my time but until my friend's outrage I didn't think much of it.

I need someone to tell me to steer the course so I can listen to music again without getting distracted by pondering my own tact and etiquette (and some of the deeper issues that implies). Will I never be able to listen to Earl Sweatshirt again?

EDIT: Though in Earl's case I think the homophobia might be the least of his problems.
It really depends on the person. Some listen to music purely for the sound, considering the lyrics meaningless compared to the harmony of the music itself (Some bands, like AC/DC, are built on that concept) while others need the lyrics to mean something to them to enjoy it. Most are in between and some are entirely different, but there is no inherent harm in any of them. Just enjoy what you enjoy.

It is a good idea to be careful not to play something loudly that others may be hurt by, or to give the impression that you support something you oppose, though. Perhaps you could wear headphones for the stuff you are afraid may cause someone to be afraid or hurt? That way, you can explain your opinion if anyone asks. Or you could get a shirt with a message about it! ^_^

Bear in mind that I am a very lyric-central Kobold who does not like Hip Hop, so my opinions are not without need for salt. :3

Quote Originally Posted by Zorg View Post
Personal note:
Talked to my ex today for the first time in a week and half or so I think. Went ok, still hard, but at least I got to tell her so it's a weight off my mind to a certain extent.

Still feel awful a lot of the time, but at least I had three dresses and three pairs of shoes arrive in the mail today, so that's a plus.
Hope it gets better soon, it is sad to hear that it is still so hard for you. It does show that you are an incredibly amazing person, but it is sad all the while.

Congrats on the dresses, they look preeetty. *w*