"My friend and I just need to discuss a few details, between us we have been trusted by our group to arrange passage; Ever here is in charge of ensuring the security of our journey, whilst I am responsible for the logistics." Turning to Ever, and shepherding him off to one side a little, he continues in a whisper, "I know it sounds like a lot to take on here Ever, but we need to get further North and these people are our only chance at it; you are right, I didn't speak to everyone this morning but sometimes we need to take small liberties with the facts to achieve our goals, not so much lie, merely present things in a more favourable light. I am sure our colleagues and friends will not object too strongly to me claiming to represent us all, the do know of the purpose of our visit today.

I accept, 6 giants does sound like a bit of a problem, but this doesn't necessarily have to end in violence perhaps we can bargain a way through this. Failing that, self-confidence, a little aggression and a high tolerance for mindless violence inflicted on others will see us through!"
With this last comment Ben winks at Ever to let him know he understands the seriousness of the situation.

Pausing briefly in case Ever has any objections, Ben turns back to face Gem.

Second post (or an edit) to follow.