Quote Originally Posted by Miklus View Post
Yeah, I meant that Wanda somehow managed to get her hands on the zoinked out Jillian and moved her into the garden. I mean, you would normally not put dangerous prisoners of war next to your defenseless ruler. I smell a rat. And why would Olive allow Jillian near the ruler, let alone to be unguarded? Someone put Jillian there and Wanda is the most likely suspect.
Olive made a mistake, is my view (Villains always tend to get sloppy in the third act, especially if they haven't made any mistakes beforehand). Or some third party moved Jillian (unlikely, because ). Or her addiction led her eventually to the patch with the stash, and Dorothy was there (not unreasonable, IMO, especially since both were addicted to the flowers, Dorothy for quite some time apparently). Also, Olive may have underestimated Jillian's ability to wreak havoc (not unreasonable, given Jillian's drugged-out and incapacitated POV).