The man gives you the cash and the brand new ring.

It doesnt take you long to navigate from your current location to near the store. There isnt a clear distinction of where one quarter ends and another begins but you can tell that slowly, over the span of a few streets, the stores and the people just look nicer and more well taken care of.

There are though two gated arches that provide a bit more formal boundary given their old stone and archaic inscriptions. You can easily tell that those were part of the Old Aldhaven wall that was torn down to expand the city more than two centuries ago.

The particular store is located at the corner of Merchant Lane and Duke Regis street and you see that the store front is quite artful with depections of boiling cauldrons and smoking potion bottles. There is also a back entrance that is reached by a narrow alleyway without name and also shared by two more stores.

The easiest way for someone to get here would be directly from the east and following two backstreets that expand between the two Quarters. One of the streets is very cramped, with only a handful of working stores and a press of bodies as you nagivate it. The other is wide enough to fit a cart and has mostly clothing stores along its length.