When Graorin returns to his room, the present left by Athedru brings an involuntary smile to his face. All right. He'll forgive his friend, for the sake of the years they've spent together. He'll just have to take him aside at some point and tell him not to get him almost killed again.

He rubs his side, where he can still feel some pain from the pincers. He winces.


He's considerably less enthused about the mission for which the halflings seem to have volunteered him. He grumbles a bit, but he finally relents for lack of any real way to get back to his home cave system and the desire not to stay on Bridge.


During the trip, Graorin refuses a donkey, but rather goes by foot, Val trotting along behind him. He does his best to figure out exactly where they're going and where they are in relation to the town.


While overlooking the cove, Graorin asks a question that's been bothering him. "What do the... giants... want with this den of yours, anyway?"