Quote Originally Posted by Laudandus View Post
I still think support is unfairly good for climbing elo. I'm pretty sure that a good attitude and friendly team chat contributes more than 200-300 elo's worth of support skill, so you can pretty much just rise way way above your elo by being friendly and playing the scaredest Soraka.

It's probably not the most meaningful or fun way to get elo, but I do think it's the best overall.
I think you underestimate the knowledge and skill that comes into being a support, even one like soraka. Sure you can jump slightly higher in elo then you should be able to spamming a champion with a low skill floor like soraka, doing okay, and then relying on the rest of your team to carry. However, you can do that with practically any role. While support is low on mechanics and pure skill, there is a lot more knowledge that the average support needs to have compared to other roles. You're the main warder, so you need to know what parts of the map have to be warded when, or else someone could die for it, they could get free objectives, or you can easily walk into a trap. In teamfights you need at least a little bit of knowledge of all roles, because if you don't you might not heal the jax who could have killed their adc instead of wasting the heal on your adc who would have survived, or silenced the jayce whose cooldowns are down instead of the ryze who is spamming spells, or exhausted their adc instead of the annie who hasn't ulted yet.

Don't get me wrong, I highly respect an adc who can kite well, a mage who knows how to use his spells well, or a bruiser who knows when to go in and on who. Each of those things no one will blame you for because they'll blame it on the other roles more often then not for not kiting well or not hitting all of their spells properly or not going for the right target. And sometimes that's true. Sometimes, however, it is the supports fault.

Playing soraka isn't going to change whether or not you have that teamfight knowledge and ability to map control through warding and counterwarding, just like playing ezreal doesn't help your last hitting or positioning abilities, for example.

But that's just my opinion.