Heck, above and beyond the consequences or rarity of guns on a strategic level, what about situations where weaponry is restricted for other reasons? What if the Predator scares you into firing all your ammo blind into the jungle, and have to make makeshift traps or improvise bows? What if you've just been knocked into the water and your bullets are soaked? What if your path is blocked by a bullet resistant piece of glass and you're trying to undermine its structural integrity enough with a metal baseball bat before you can get through it? What if you're on a plane and no one can fire without risking depressurization? What if you're trying to make no noise? What if you're pretending to be an actor in a play that has swords in it to get close enough to the ambassador to assassinate him, and swapping a prop sword for a real one is your plan?

I mean, I'm now kind of interested to read this article too, since the person has a controversial position and I'd be excited to hear them defend it. Unfortunately my Google-fu doesn't appear to be up to the task.