Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
They should have been here by now. Where were they? Another quick up-down survey revealed nothing but the depressing expanse of sand beneath him.

<"Then tell me about the people,"> he said, scanning for any sight of the others. Why had he thought it was a good idea to split up? If he couldn't see them after a few minutes, he'd have to go looking for them. After all, he could always follow the tracks of the rock beast with them later on.
The rock monster whirred.

<People are heart, people are soul.>


<The People are why I exist.>


<I don't understand this question>

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
There was no sand in his coat.

There was. No sand. In his coat.

This had several potentially disturbing implications. The least of which meant he was probably not anywhere near his sweetie. As an artist and pony of business, he had a responsibility to keep himself relatively grounded, so as not to completely lose those of lesser imaginations. Now? Perhaps it would be better to throw in the towel, and try to help those he could adjust to the new definition of reality.

But all was not lost, as he was quick to discover. His aching limbs were keen to remind him on that point just as soon as the pegasus mentioned a good rest. How could he be sore from a walk that never happened? That little tidbit of logic cemented his confidence and kept his admittedly flimsy vision of reality intact. Who cared about a few hoof-fulls of sand? They would sort themselves out in due time. "Sir, I thank you for your invitation," the colt bowed his head respectfully. "You say others pass through here? I don't suppose you've seen a unicorn recently? A fellow by the name of Igneous? He's a good friend of ours, but he wandered ahead of us on the road, and we've been trying ever so hard to find him again. Has he passed this way?"
"Oh ... grey coated fellow, about yay high? Shiny gold armour and what not? Yep I saw him not long ago." The farmer pegasus replied, as he reached back to grab his hoe again.

"Seemed like a nice enough person, sent him down to see the wife too. They're probably already sitting down for a cup."