You track across the landscape, looking at the spare plants to find one that matches the description. Chandra manages to keep up with ease, but after a while you can not shake the feeling of being tracked, though you can spot no pursuers.

After maybe two hours - it is hard to tell in the unfamiliar redish light and with the strange sky above - you find a patch of fern that looks about the right color.
But as you stop, you hear a howl from behind you her a terrifiying howl from behind, and as you turn around you see several tattered men in torn clothes, swinging rusty blades and clad in black armor. You can see furious pale faces, and their bloody intention is immedeately clear to you.

Join Battle for enemy Ghosts: (1d10)[2] (1d10)[8] (1d10)[5] (1d10)[1]
Mizukis Join Battle:(1d10)[2] (1d10)[9] (1d10)[5] (1d10)[3] (1d10)[6]
Chandras Join Battle:(1d10)[1] (1d10)[9] (1d10)[5] (1d10)[9] (1d10)[8] (1d10)[2]