After restocking her arrow supply, Brin sets forth on tackling the garden, so far she had only managed to clear out the area she intended to use but due to being away for so long she noticed weeds popping up. Noticing Fa'el had accomponied her, Brin begins to delegate weed picking to the elven lass while she begins hauling the sandbags over towards the garden. As she passes by the odd looking wagon she hears 'I will burn you' and instantly freezes. She remembered vaguely seeing Roqoan going towards it while she went to the garden. Rage suddenly rears it's ugly head and Brin begins reacting without thinking "IF YOU SO AS MUCH HARM A SINGLE HAIR ON THIS MAN'S HEAD I WILL PERSONALLY BEAT THE DUST OUT OF YOU YOU BAG OF HOT AIR AND DON'T THINK I WON'T BECAUSE YOU'RE OLDER THAN THE DIRT OUTSIDE. "