Love bite. As weak as she is, when she works, Dr. Acula is pretty amusing in how she can shut down opponents. Confuse them and use bite or astonish and they seem to be mostly flinched or hitting themselves. Unfortunately Supersonic's accuracy really sucks.

Thanks for more nickname suggestions. We're thinking alike about Margarine up front. She's totally going to be my capture specialist, I don't want to waste any pokeballs, so even if it wasn't an abra I'm sleeping something up. And in the case of other pokemon, her tackle should be weak enough to soften them up without accidental killing.

Any suggestions for worse case scenario that I don't capture a bellsprout when facing Misty? I'm thinking Poseidon and Margarine are my best case, Poseidon's defense and resistence to water should let him soak some damage and he can retaliate with bite, Margarine is reasonably defensive against special attacks and can reliably sleep opponents. Everyone else just doesn't feel like they have the defensive capability to handle the damage Misty can deal out.