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    Ettin in the Playground
    Togath's Avatar

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    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XIV: Instant Annoying, Just Add Hexproof

    I don't actually have a set list for it yet, I more picked it up since it looked like an interesting card at the time.
    I was thinking(partly from the deck building advice you gave me) maybe B/G/W for colours.
    Maybe this as a base for it?;
    Doomed traveler x4
    Wayfaring temple x2
    Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage x4
    Centaur's Herald(not as sure about this one) x4
    Selesnya Charm x4
    Knightly Valor x2
    Call of the Conclave x4
    Lingering Souls x4
    Druid's Deliverence x4
    Growing Ranks(not sure about this one, but a free populate every turn seems useful) x2
    Skirsdag High Priest x2
    Intangible Virtue x4
    Rancor x4
    maybe Deviant Glee x4 as well
    Last edited by Togath; 2012-11-23 at 03:14 AM.
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