
Roqoan walks over to Oleg. "Oleg, i'd like to buy some crossbow bolts from you. I seem to have fired a lot of them recently, don't want to run out. I'd say about 30 should do.
Oh, and have you seen Father Jhod today? We've found another journal that's written in a language none of us know and we'd like to get it translated. It might have some information about the Stag Lord in it, and any info we can get is valuable."

Once Oleg answers, Roqoan walks to the man that introduced himself as Sciatto Sczarni.
"Hey, i talked with that Barn Owl the Wise guy you sent me to. He asked us to escort you for a while and help you with some undead problems.
We're probably going to do it, but we were thinking about taking a few days off first.
You see, we've had a rough couple of days. We've been trough a few heavy fights and got beat up pretty bad.

So we'd like to ask you to wait for us for a few days. You could either wait here at Oleg's, or you could visit our friends at the Sootscale Caverns. They're Kobolds that we recently allied with. They may be interested in trading with you. They're decent folks.
Think about it.

Oh, and i almost forgot. Earlier you talked about 'Harrow Readings'.
I've never heard about it. What is it, some sort of fortune telling or something like that?"