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Thread: Thy Fearful Symmetry - Dark Heresy (IC)

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Nov 2009

    Default Re: Thy Fearful Symmetry - Dark Heresy (IC)

    All Together Now

    Reeling off the rapid rattle of the override code once again, Jericus waited a moment, then watched as the great blast doors rumbled slowly open. D'Aragnia practically pushed past him to get into the elevator chamber, the tattered duchess rushing forwards to stand behind Nova as Jericus entered at a rather more controlled pace.

    "Close it," said D'Aragnia, speaking quickly. "Close it, close it!"

    Looking around, Jericus took in his surroundings. The elevator chamber was a great cylindrical space, with an open floor suitable for loading cargo. Here and there some crates and other detritus had been left haphazardly stacked; in the centre of the floor, a tracked forklift stood idle and empty. Ninety degrees right of the door through which he had just entered, another set of blast doors hung open, the white fog of a blind grenade rolling lazily through their jaws.

    On his left, a set of iron steps led up to a raised platform, over which glowed two pale emergency lights. They were set over smaller sets of doors - the elevators. A third elevator stood a little further off, at ground level. It too had a light, though it was larger than the other two - intended for moving heavy equipment, perhaps. The three elevator lamps were the brightest things in the gloom of the great man-made cavern, lighting the way to salvation.

    The sounds of the firefight were coming through the smoke-filled door on the right, much louder now that Jericus' own door was open. Doing a quick head-count, he saw that only Tauron and Nova were in the elevator chamber with him, with the half-conscious figure of Verenwyn lying at Tauron's feet.

    It looked like Red and Tychon were the ones having the fun.

    Tychon thought he saw his shot strike home, the dark figure of his attacker jerking back under the impact. There was no time to confirm the impression, as Tychon threw himself behind the cover of the armoured pipe on his right.

    Scything wildly from out of the smoke cloud, a spray of blind shots from Red struck and sparked against the walls of the towering machines, driving the second of Tychon's attackers stumbling back. The first was out of the laspistol's arc of fire, and waited for the firing to cease before darting forwards, flattening his back against the corner of the nearest machine block. Leaning round, the masked mercenary snapped off a single shot at the gunslinger's position, the bulk of the heavy duct absorbing the lasbolt's energy with nothing more than a dull red glow.

    From the direction of his remaining escape route, Tychon heard the thud of boots hitting the deck. Before he could lean out to see, a second blistering hellgun shot sliced past his head, blowing a melted hole out of the dull steel behind - from around the other side of the block on his left, a third member of the kill-team was advancing, hellgun raised.

    If she wants to, Nova can close the door as a free action using the Big Red Button. Also, Red is no longer blind.

    Of course, I forgot one more roll: the pinned kill-team member rolls WP to recover at the end of his turn. (1d100)[30] - passed.
    Last edited by LCP; 2012-11-24 at 11:20 PM.
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    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

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