"Huh". Amid a few weird looks, Conor stares out of the bridge, to see a wave of green fire being battled and redirected throughout space, as well as the corpses of hundreds of Carapacians tumbling through the void. "That's weird. The last thing I can remember is...", he starts, but trails off.

Then he seems to realize the gravity of the situation. Dersites. The green fire. There was only one force that produced green fire, and only a handful that accessed it. He hoped to any god that it was someone else, anyone other than... he looked on a monitor. The scarred wolfish face appeared before him. He was the only one who would be attacking them anyways.

"Jack", Conor whispered. Well, ****. He needed to be taken out, and quickly too, before he killed all of them. But what was he going to do? The comic didn't even update to a point where he was stopped. The only thing he seemed to not kill was Jade, and if they had Jade, this entire business would already be over, because she could take them where they needed to go. The only one he feared was...

"The Peregrine Mendicant", he said aloud.

Quickly, he spoke to the others on the bridge, saying "Can anyone here create illusions? Preferably around me? I have someone I need to emulate that might be able to drive this guy away"