I am aware that I am technically going ahead with this before the deadline I set. However, said deadline will pass while I'm asleep, as I'll shortly be heading off to bed, and I wanted to get the ball rolling. Kin and Kydrak are therefore assumed to be in the Death's Head Tavern, mostly because that's where the food and drink are.

If there's one thing your group of diabolists have been coming to realise lately, it's that when things go bad, they go spectacularly bad. Tonight, it seems, is going to be another case in point.

Quint and Il'Tara are halfway through debating a possible route of attack for any adventuring groups when they are interrupted by a faint crack noise. In the space of an eye-blink, the War Room is considerably more crowded.

The new arrivals number ten humanoids, all armed and seemingly ready for battle. Three of them are tough looking veteran soldiers in dark blue uniforms, carrying wicked looking halberds. Two of them - a human and a dwarf - are clearly priests of some kind, already holding their holy symbols ready. A further two are just as obviously ner-do-wells, a skinny looking human holding a short sword and a hulking half-orc grasping a pair of daggers. Off to one side stands an exotic looking human woman in red silk, watched over by her bodyguard, a massive Ifirit wielding an enchanted falchion.

Leading them all, and far too close for your personal comfort, is a rangy looking man in a dark red robe over glittering Mithril armour. His pale blue eyes are sharp and filled with the fires of fanaticism, and in one hand he wields a Longsword that is wreathed in arcane fire.

Matthias Harkon, Inquisitor of Mitra and Scourge of the Unfaithful, looks at Quint and smiles. It is not a pleasant expression.

And here we go. Ten attacking individuals, spread out around the War Room. Quint and Il'Tara get one turns worth of actions here before we roll for initiative, as the enemy are caught mildly off guard by your presence. I advise you to chose your actions carefully.

Ilvaria can, for the sake of convenience, be assumed to be watching the War Room in the scrying gems at this moment, and can therefore also act if she wishes to.