[Eastside - Ghoul]

Once the muse noted that the apparent conversation had ended with one of the participants vanishing entirely, she was of the mind to leave soon but the fact that the one that remained appeared to be exiting the house quickly changed that to 'finding a place to hide just in case.' Already up against the wall, the fledgeling called upon the enhancements in her legs and lept upwards a few solid meters before reaching out and 'sticking' to the wall. It was an odd ability she had picked up during her time here but being able to stick to and climb sheer surfaces without assistance was quite useful. With a number of complex movements designed to soften the impact, and thus the noise made, of her suddenly hanging off the side of the house, what would follow would be a cautious but quick scramble up towards the roof. Once there, Ghoul would simply keep an eye out for this person from her vantage point while making sure to stay low so as to avoid presenting much of a profile.

Of course, the muse was completely aware of how paranoid she was acting if this all turned out to be for nothing.