Quote Originally Posted by Winter
Would you not claim the same? Especially in rage?

Also, the comic pretty solidly is proof what to think about Dorukan's claims there: nothing.
If I was so angry that my mental faculties are apparently impaired razionalizing hardly would cross my mind.
Also are you claiming he spent an year sitting in his fortress waiting for Xykon showing the soul gem and doing nothing to prepare himself? I would call that pretty solid proof that he is a moron.

Quote Originally Posted by King of Nowere
I see many people just say "Dorukan is too smart to make a mistake", which is totally unreasonable. High intelligence do not make you immune to mistake.
I am a strong chessplayer, last time I checked I was ranked around 200 in italy, and yet I keep making mistakes that an amateur player would immediately spot. And once I won against a great master (ranked about 700th in the world) because he made a blunder and lost a knight in 2 moves. That's a mistake the weakest player in my chess club would have normally seen, and yet it was made by one of the strongest players in the world. And all those bad moves are made during long time games, after several minutes of carful thinking.

So, saying "he was to smart to do something that stupid" is nosense. Please stop arguing for it, very intelligent people making very stupid mistakes is something that happens daily.
Again, for the third time, I am not arguing smart people should never do any mistake, is the sheer magnitude of the stupid acts committed that I have trouble accepting.
To put your chess example in prospective is like the master lost his Knight, Bishop, Rook and Queen in 5 moves because of stupid blunder, while still believing his strategy was sound in a competition where the punishment for losing would mean having his head cut off...
Yes it does sound ridiculous but this is the benchmark we have here, Dorkukan throw himself in a fight without any protection, without any appreciable strategy, without backing down when things went bad and that got himself killed.
I am sorry but just saying sometimes a mistake is possible does not cut it for me, because it is much more than that.

ps- hello fellow italian.

Quote Originally Posted by Winter
Intelligence has nothing to do with doing stupid things. Very smart people occasionally do very dumb things once emotion gets involved. Don't believe me? Ask General Patraeus. Last I heard he now has lots of time now to answer all your question.

Can we please stop assuming that the number of dumb thing people do is declining with a rising IQ. Some of the dumb things someone with an IQ 130 does are different from those someone who just has one of 80 does; others are totally the same. And I would not say the dumb things one or the other person does are "fewer", just different.

Dorukan simply screwed up by acting too rash in that very moment.
Forgive me but I have no idea who General Patraeus is, I am not from US, but at the risk of sounding stupid myself unless he:
1) Was considered a genius
2) Got himself killed because of his mistake
I fail to see the paragon, one I would use to keep the military theme (I assume) is if a renowned and highly decorated field commander suddenly decided to make a infantry charge against a fortified artillery position on high ground while outnumbered and didn't even tried to retreat so got everyone killed, just because the enemy commander goaded him, would you consider him smart?

I would really like to see a possible example of someone who would make use of such poor judgement in a life and death situation and still be considered intelligent.

I really hope this time I made my position more clear but to reassume, for me there is a limit of stupid things I can accept from a person before stopping to consider him intelligent.